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Code of Conduct

Creating a culture around the voting reform movement which is welcoming, inclusive, non-partisan, and productive is at the foundation of building the trust and relationships required for effective organizing. For this reason we have embraced a Code of Conduct to help set our intentions and problem solve in the event that problems arise. 


Privacy Policy

The STAR Project respects your privacy and the privacy and security of the information you provide. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure the confidentiality and security of that information within our systems. We will not sell or disclose your name, mailing address, telephone number, address, or any other personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”) you provide to any third party except as required by law.


Voting Theory Forum

The Voting Theory Forum is a coalition project led by the Equal Vote Coalition to create an inclusive and welcoming space for election science enthusiasts and activists from around the world to come together to go deep and keep pushing the envelope of election science.


A Glossary for Voting Enthusiasts

Wonky voting theory terms, defined and explained in alphabetical order. A must read for the aspiring expert. 



Our Bibliography is hosted on Zotero and is a comprehensive library of articles on voting reform. 

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